nathandouglasdavis's avatar


  • Joined Feb 23, 2019
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It's definitely ecchitastic, and the premise is one that could be pretty interesting, but its execution is disappointing. Like, the first chapter had me thinking it might be a 7/10, but then each chapter just kept introducing bad characters or doing bleh things until I ended up seeing it as a 4/10. We get a lot of panty shots and when girls get overcome with feelings for fem, we see a metaphorical nudity spread. And on some level, all that is fine. The biggest problem is honestly how aggressive everyone immediately becomes once they are charmed. If there was more subtlety to the way that people were charmed, it would probably lead to a much more interesting story. I did appreciate how they included the guys coming onto fem as well, though that's obviously not the main focus. And the second biggest problem is that the personalities of Yui and Moeka are just very unappealing and stupid--Yui is a slightly delusional yandere and Moeka is a mischievous drama-hunter. None of the characters are honestly very interesting, and while their manga-esque personalities might add a smidgen of humor it mainly just leads to them feeling unrelatable and the story feeling contrived. The ecchiness is the biggest appeal of the manga, but it will never be truly satisfying because it's all tease and no follow-through--Kaito spends the entire time trying to avoid getting closer to any of the girls. Long-term, the story is also aiming to have Kaito learn to control feir powers within the next which point, there will no longer be any justification for such ecchi encounters and the manga will presumably...end? Or maybe switch gears somehow? But if it tries to maintain this current progression for the entire story arc of Kaito aiming for phoenix tier, even after fe's learned to control feir powers, then I think it'll just flop. I am still somewhat interested in seeing how they'll end up having fem use feir powers for good and whether there will be much thought put into it, since even righteously motivated mind control has massive ethical problems.

[Reviewed at chapter 11]

4/10 story
5/10 art
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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